I am so honored to have you here.
Thank you for taking the time to read a little about my photography and me!
My name is Thainá, a Brazilian bird that, for love, landed in The Netherlands.
Since very young I found myself passionate about arts and its varieties.
Raised by 2 sisters, one of them is a seamstress and the other one used to be a theater actress. For this reason we used to have many movies at home and she introduced me to this world at a very early stage. Cinema was my first passion. My first imaginary bridge who could take me from my small town to a whole new world. Both my mothers have strong influences on my taste for arts.

My passion for arts guided me to architecture. I graduated as an Architect and the lessons it taught definitely shaped who I am today. I learned more about arts, aesthetics, about seeing beyond the first glance and about expressing my ideas. Architecture taught me to see poetry in chaos. I dedicated 10 years of my life to it and I would do it all over again.
the netherlands
I moved to The Netherlands in 2019 for love and here I had to learn how to reinvent myself. I had to refine so many things, but especially, I had to find a new version of myself for my new life. I am still getting used to my new country. Migrating is a challenging step, but most of the times we can bloom whatever we are.

You know that friend who is always the photographer of the group? That was me. During University I bought my first camera and subscribed to a course to learn how to use it. Little did I know that many years later what once was my hobby would become my profession. It happened naturally as the best things in life.
Many things inspire me. Sometimes it is the sunset, sometimes it is the city and its movements, very often is the cuteness of my pets and most of the time it is the simplicity of life in its various phases.
Photography has brought me so many special moments and stories. So many rich experiences. People from different backgrounds and cultures. Many of my clients have become dear friends.
I love photography because of the relationships I have been able to form with people. People who love and see the importance of capturing it and preserving these memories. People who appreciate art.
Creating for others and building community is my passion.
I would love to connect!